Our Leadership
Our Board of Directors (Board) is responsible for governance of the NPC in accordance with applicable Federal and state laws and regulations, the NPC bylaws, and VA policies. Per VHA Handbook 1200.17, the Board needs to include four (4) Statutory VA Directors and at least two (2) Statutory Non-Federal Directors. Statutory VA Directors serve on an NPC Board in their official VA capacities and need to ensure that the NPC furthers the best interests of VA. Statutory VA Directors must be those VA employees at the VA medical facility who hold the following positions, either by title or by exercise of equivalent responsibilities: VA Medical Center Director, Chief of Staff, Associate Chief of Staff for Research and Development, and Associate Chief of Staff for Education. In addition, the Board includes at least two Statutory Non-Federal Directors who are not officers or employees of the Federal Government and who have backgrounds, or business, legal, financial, medical, or scientific expertise of benefit to the NPC.